Wanda L. Scott has 25 years of Corporate IT and Higher Education experience. She is a Woman in IT! Combined with her extensive education Wanda is ready to "Empower A Greater You!"
Image Institute specializes in Speaking, Training and Consulting on Leadership, Communication & Technology Integration with Businesses in:
Information Technology
Leadership and Ethics in IT
In the broad field of Information Technology there has been exponential growth. This has propelled technically trained people into the forefront in leadership and ethically challenging positions. With the rise of ecommerce in business, cyber security and cyber defense additional skill-sets are need for technically trained people. Unfortunately although most technical people are very knowledgeable in their area of technology, in most cases they have little to no managerial or leadership training. Managing the additional responsibilities that require quick judgement and morally challenging opportunities, ethically trained IT professional are required. Leadership development and managerial skills are becoming more and more necessary with advancement and promotion.
Educational Institutions
Leadership and Ethics in Education
Educators are challenged with pressures like never before to perform, not just in classroom instruction but to produce results that most would deem out of their control. From primary, to secondary, to higher education, Educators are being called to produce results in not just classroom instruction, but in test performance, grades, retention and graduation. These pressures can cause stress, anxiety and fear. With these factors any human might feel inclined to cut corners, act out of character, or make choices that they might not have under other circumstances. There is a huge need for training, sound advice and mentorship on ethics and what it means to be a leader. Most education degree programs deal very little with leadership development or any type of people management skills. Today’s educator in the classroom, and as they move up the ranks cannot wait for doctoral study to learn about leadership management and relationship building.
Customized Training
At Image Institute we value your organization’s culture. We want to make each and every training experience one that speaks to the personality and character you have worked to build. So our goal is to “Empower Greater” in each and every attendee. Wanda L. Scott will take one of our developed training courses and customize it for your organization. Below you will find a listing of some of our most popular training courses.
Click this link for a PDF with more information
LEADership (Character & Accountability)
Personal Ethics in Public
Conflict Resolution Skills for Leadership
Preparing for Leadership & Promotion (Effective Communication)
Relationship Building
Relationship Building
Team Building
Contact info@image-institute.com or call 615.543.8943 to let us know in what area your organization needs Training.

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Coaching & Mentoring Packages
Wanda L. Scott also offers Coaching on topics such as:
Speaking & Leadership Coaching Packages
Ethical Leadership
What It Takes To Lead
Effective Communication
Relationship Building Coaching Packages
Relationship Building
Team Building
See our Contact Information below or email info@Image-Institute.com to let us know what area you need coaching in and we can set up a free 15 minute consultation to review packages and pricing. Also feel free to give us a call at 615.543-8943.