Regardless of Reception or Perception...Perform!

I must say this has got to be my most favorite quote (for from my upcoming book: Notes from the Field: 20+ Years as a Black Women in IT.
"Regardless of Reception or Perception.....Perform!"
This revelation is definitely in hindsight. As I was walking through Corporate America the reception at times did cause me to pause before I could perform. The perception was easier to deal with, because I was able to open my mouth and begin to silence the unconscious bias that I encountered. We all have them, mine just might not look like the people I encountered as I solved their technical issues and brought their servers on life-support back online servicing their customers.
It took years for me to find the rhythm of regardless. Because of my ingrained work ethic, I was always able to immediately perform the service I was there for. Performance was never an issue for me. I loved the challenge. I believe that is why I stayed connected to "all things technical" for so long. It was the drive I had to figure it out, to troubleshoot in the unique environments I encountered. Each day I never knew what I would encounter. Finding the rhythm of regardless was more about the people factor than the technical challenge. Don't get me wrong, interacting with new and different people was also interesting. I loved the opportunity the technical field afforded me to travel and see different places, cultures and environments.
My recommendation to the beautiful diverse women and minorities entering and currently in the technical space is to find your rhythm of regardless. You are powerful in your knowledge and competency. Always remember that your performance, the ability to get the job done with excellence will speak louder than your words and change perceptions. When you change perceptions, the reception for the next women or minority will be so much better!